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Your Plot
Your Plot
Is it legal?
We cannot sell you a title. We are simply acknowledging your right to use the title of Lord or Lady of Ardmore, which is our intellectual property. If you prefer not to assume a title, you will be given that option when you make your land purchase. Our legal advice is that “anyone can, subject to requirements of good faith, call themselves whatever they like, including “Lord” or “Lady“.” We do not know of any jurisdiction where this is not true. It is harmless fun.
Do I own the land?
Our customers obtain a “personal right” to their land. This is essentially a contract where we pass our rights to the land over to you. So you can visit your plot, call it your own and essentially do what you please with the land within the normal confines of law (we do also retain rights to prevent the land being used for hunting and shooting). Further you can sell or pass on the contract as you can with any property. So the gift can be passed down the generations, not just once but forever. Please note however that The Registration (Land and Deeds) (Northern Ireland) Order 1992 does not allow souvenir plots of land to be officially registered. This means that we remain as the registered owner of the land, which allows us to manage the land on your behalf.
Can two people own the same plot?
No. Only one person can legally hold the right to a souvenir plot of land.If you order a couples plot, what you actually get is 2 x 5 or 10 sqft plots which are located next to each other. Each person in the couple will receive their own plot and we will print both names on the same certificate to make it a better gift for couples.
Are there any future costs associated with ownership?
No. This is a single payment at the time of purchase.
Where is my plot?
All plots are located within the Celtic Titles Nature Reserve at Ardmore, near Derry.The exact location can be found in the Welcome Dashboard.